
Tectus Risk Management und Versicherungsmakler GmbH
Fleischmarkt 1 
1010 Vienna, Austria
FN 456732s HG Vienna
GISA: 28956297 - Magistrat der Stadt Wien (see here:

DE +49 89 46222551‬
AT +43 1 996 15 96
CH +41 44 566 8888
GB +44 203 036 0509

Managing Director: Dr. Franz Ihm

Company Register: Magistrat der Stadt Wien
Commercial Register number: 28956297

Business License:
Insurance Broker in the following countries: 
Austria, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finnland, France, Greece, Ireland, Island, Italy, Croatia, Lettland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Sweden, Slowakia, Slowenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, United Kingdom, Cyprus.

Legal basis:
Austrian Law – in particular Austrian business and trade code (see here:

Dr. Franz Ihm

Ownership structure:
The Tectus Risk Management und Versicherungsmakler GmbH does not hold a qualified economic share at any insurance company nor do insurance companies hold shares at the Tectus Risk Management und Versicherungsmakler GmbH.

Media information:
Tectus Risk Management und Versicherungsmakler GmbH is media owner of:

The website is used to commercially support the sale of insurance products.

Our action as insurance brokers is paid by commission which are supported by the insurance company who concluded the contract. The commission is included in the premium of these contracts. There are no further costs for the policy holder.

Supervisory body:
Magistratsabteilung 63, Wipplinger Straße 6-8, 1010 Vienna

Complaints about the broker action can be put forward at the Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, Abt I/7.

Arbitration body:
Arbitration body for consumer business in Austrian:
Online Dispute Resolution body of the European commission:
There is not obligation to participate processes at arbitration bodies. There will be decided about the participation individually.

Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO)
Wirtschaftskammer Wien

On request we are happy to offer consulting on insurance products. Please contact:

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